14 SEPTEMBER 2018 – 6 JANUARY 2019
From September 2018 to January 2019, the St. Matthew's Foundation was showing the exhibition "Divine Territory" by the Berlin artist Jorinde Voigt. On display are her almost 40-meter-long cycle of works. "Song of the Earth" as well as new works from her series "Immersion"-, which are created in connection with her cycle and in the examination of the church space.
Jorinde Voigt, who studied with Christiane Möbus and Katharina Sieverding, is known for her large-format filigree drawings that explore the inner structures of our perception: With the help of filigree lines. With the help of filigree lines, colour surfaces, vectors, and written notations, she has developed a visual sign system that allows her to depict and question the complexity and dynamics of our perception.
In the context of the church space, the question of an analysis of the epiphanic arises. For the church, space is not only determined by its construction but by particular experiences: "Do not come near, take off your shoes from your feet, for the place where you are standing is holy land! - Moses' experience of God's presence in the burning bush creates a sacred space, a "Divine Territory".
In her series "Immersion", Jorinde Voigt works on the experience of immersion in a comprehensive reality in which the boundaries between inside and outside, subject and object begin to dissolve. In interaction with the church space, her works comment on the theological experience of experiencing oneself at the same time as part of and opposite an "all-determining reality" (Rudolf Bultmann).