Studio Sounds

Artists draw inspiration from a host of sources, one in particular being the music they listen to while creating. For this new feature of our series STUDIO SOUNDS, multidisciplinary artist Reine Paradis selected her favorite tunes to listen to in her studio and gathered them into a playlist. Follow the link to hear what’s been playing while Reine Paradis worked on her exhibition, AURORA, currently on view at KÖNIG MEXICO CITY.

Studio shot of Reine Paradis © courtesy of the artist





Reine Paradis (b. 1989, France) lives and works in Los Angeles, California. She received a BA from the Gobelins School in Paris.

Known for her unmistakable use of color and outlandish process, Paradis’ work transmits across different mediums through the use of self-portrait photography, painting, performance, sculpture, and video. Through Paradis' immersive multimedia installations, she examines the pathway between extrinsic realities and personal fantasies. Viewers are invited to cross the border into a colorful and candidly surreal landscape where surefooted perceptions are exchanged for a new artistic currency. Additionally, the u...
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