15 NOVEMBER 2024 – 17 JANUARY 2025

KÖNIG MEXICO CITY is pleased to present CONTRAPUNTO, the Spanish word for counterpoint, a group show featuring ten Mexican female artists.

Counterpoint is a musical technique that combines two or more melodies simultaneously, maintaining their independence while complementing and reinforcing each other. In art, counterpoint manifests through the interaction of different visual, narrative, and thematic elements.

In this exhibition, featuring ten Mexican artists, we find counterpoint in their works in various ways. For example, Karen Rodríguez and Mónica Loya explore their environment artistically, but from different perspectives: Karen focuses on calligraphy and visual language in public spaces, while Mónica fuses melancholy and everyday life in a nebulous context. This counterpoint highlights how both approach space in distinct ways: one through textual meaning and the other through visual emotions.

María Kalach and Alejandra Laviada also center their work on drawing and observing their surroundings. Kalach describes a cycle of filling and emptying in her creative process, while Laviada offers a more emotional and visceral approach. Their counterpoint lies in the process: one emphasizes the action of filling and emptying, while the other focuses on the emotional connection to what is observed.

In the case of Sandra Leal and Jimena Schlaepfer, we see that Sandra plays with light and darkness through layers and erasure, while Jimena explores mythology and nature as a web of relationships. Here, the counterpoint is established between the tangible and the intangible: Leal concentrates on the physical perception of art, while Schalapfer seeks to understand cultural identity through natural and mythological symbolism.

Ángela Leyva and Andrea Sotelo also explore identity but from different angles. Ángela uses technology and machine learning to question the boundaries between the human and the artificial, while Andrea investigates female iconography throughout history, exploring the parallels between representations of female deities in various civilizations, with a particular focus on Mesoamerican icons. Their counterpoint lies in the interplay between modernity and technology contrasted with tradition and mythology, as well as their involvement in identifying and reinterpreting mythical elements that shape the collective imagination of what is considered feminine, human, and non-human.

Finally, Manuela García and Miriam Salado present another counterpoint: Manuela is interested in the relationship of bodies in space, while Miriam explores the connection between communities and nature from a specific cultural context. This duality manifests in how Manuela focuses on corporeality and physical space, while Miriam examines the intersection of culture, history, and nature.

In this exhibition, the counterpoint between the works of these ten Mexican artists creates a unique richness and depth, where diverse ideas and elements engage in dialogue with one another. The exploration of themes such as identity, memory, connection to the environment, and visual language unfolds in a symphony of independent and complementary visions. Thus, each piece contributes to a collective narrative that, while highlighting the uniqueness of each artist, celebrates the diversity of contemporary Mexican art in a dynamic and global dialogue.


Biznaga y mano

Jimena Schlaepfer

Biznaga y mano


Miriam Salado


Costilla y orquídea

Jimena Schlaepfer

Costilla y orquídea


Alejandra Laviada


Fantasma de la Jícama

María Kalach

Fantasma de la Jícama

Femur y suculenta

Jimena Schlaepfer

Femur y suculenta

Foggy day

Mónica Loya

Foggy day

Karla 2020

María Kalach

Karla 2020

La persistencia del azul

Manuela García

La persistencia del azul

Mario Leyendo 1

María Kalach

Mario Leyendo 1

I'm just a girl

Mónica Loya

I'm just a girl

Pink noise

Mónica Loya

Pink noise

Wash your mouth

Mónica Loya

Wash your mouth

Mario Leyendo 2

María Kalach

Mario Leyendo 2


Miriam Salado


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Manuela García (b. 1982 in Mexico City) grew up in Medellin, Colombia, and currently lives in Mexico City, Mexico. She holds a BA in Fine Arts from the National University of Colombia in 2007. She was part of the MA program in Visual Arts at the Brera Academy in Milan, Italy, in 2009.

García recently presented her solo show at Efraín López Gallery, in New York, USA. She exhibited at Peana Gallery, Mexico City, Mexico (2022), and Parsons Gallery, New York City, USA.

Additional recent exhibitions were held at Anahuacalli Museum Mexico City, Mexico (2023); Fundidora Museum, Monterrey, México (2021); Temporary Gallery, Cologne, Ger...
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MarÍa Kalach (b. 1991 in Mexico City) studied drawing at the École des Beaux-Arts in Lyon, France, Fine Arts at the Rhode Island School of Design, Rhode Island, USA, and Art Studies and History at the Universidad del Claustro de Sor Juana, Mexico City, Mexico. She completed a diploma in Landscape Architecture at the Instituto Superior de Arte y Diseño (ISAD) in Mexico City, taught by the Taller de Paisaje Entorno.

She is currently a painter, gardener, and landscape designer at Taller de Arquitectura X (TAX) and at Philodendro, a nursery and landscaping studio that she founded.
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Alejandra Laviada (b. 1980, Mexico City) studied Fine Arts at the Rhode Island School of Design and earned a master’s degree in Photography and Video at the School of Visual Arts in New York. She currently lives and works in Paris.

Laviada’s work explores the relationship between photography and sculpture. The images arise from the intersections that exist between them, questioning to what extent photography can redefine the meaning and materiality of sculpture. Laviada primarily uses ordinary or discarded objects as raw materials, which she deconstructs and transforms into sculptures. Her practice moves from the concrete to the abst...
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Sandra Leal (b. 1980, in Monterrey, Nuevo León, Mexico) studied Visual Arts at the University of Monterrey, interspersing courses at the London Institute. She later completed a postgraduate degree in Visual Communication at the University of the Arts, London.

Under the premise of the feeling and impulse that transitions from contemplation to creative action, her work explores the mediums for manipulating light and darkness on canvas or paper. In the process, she erases and marks her strokes, situating them within a buildup of layers that intermittently shifts from depth to surface and vice versa. She subverts the darkness of her back...
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Ángela Leyva (b. 1987 in Mexico City) earned her Bachelor's degree in Fine and Visual Arts from the National School of Painting, Sculpture, and Engraving, La Esmeralda (2006-2010) and her Master's degree in Visual Arts (2019-2021) at the Faculty of Art and Design at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). Since 2021, she has been pursuing her PhD in Visual Arts at the same institution.

Currently, the work of Ángela Leyva manifests as a deep exploration of identity and memory, combining the emotional representation of distorted faces of patients with congenital disorders with the use of artificial intelligence technologie...
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Mónica Loya Calderón (b. 1990 in Chihuahua, Mexico) is a Mexican visual artist. Her work encompasses analog illustration, painting, and murals. She has lived and worked independently in Mexico City since 2014. 

Mónica Loya syncretizes melancholy and everyday life with a nebulous perception of reality, characteristic of our time, where mass media, pink and blue hues, and delicate lines reflect the fragility of the present by altering the patterns of our sensitivity with less conventional figures and outlines.
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Karen Rodríguez (b. 1993 in Oaxaca, Mexico) is a visual artist, who graduated from the Escuela Nacional de Pintura, Escultura y Grabado (ENPEG), La Esmeralda, Mexico. Through drawing, painting, and ceramics, she explores textual and visual elements found in public spaces, material and visual culture, and language use. She is particularly interested in exploring new forms of sculptural creation through notions of calligraphy, starting from the negative spaces or silences that occur when designing letters.

She is a recipient of the Young Creators program scholarship (2024-2025) specializing in sculpture from 2024-2025. She was a recipi...
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Miriam Salado (b. 1987 in Hermosillo, Mexico) is a visual artist, who currently resides in Mexico City.

She primarily works with drawing and sculpture, focusing on themes related to the landscape and the depletion of the Mexican desert. She was part of the Contemporary Art Educational Program at SOMA Mexico City, Mexico (2017-2019), the Strategies and Production Processes in Contemporary Art Program, at Hermosillo, Mexico (2015), and earned her Bachelor’s degree in Plastic Arts at the University of Sonora and the National School of Plastic Arts at UNAM, Mexico (2006-2011).

Salado has held solo exhibitions at Proyectos Monclova, ...
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Jimena Schlaepfer (b. 1982 in Mexico City). She graduated from the National School of Painting, Sculpture and Printmaking “La Esmeralda” (2001-2006). Schlaepfer’s work has developed within the fields of drawing, painting, sculpture, installation, and ceramics.

She has participated in various solo and group exhibitions in Mexico and abroad, at the Santo Domingo Cultural Center, Oaxaca, Mexico (2016), and at the Museum of Oaxacan Painters (MUPO), Mexico (2016). She participated in group exhibitions at the Anahuacalli Museum, Mexico (2023), and at the Cultural Complex Los Pinos, Mexico City (2019).

She has been selected to be part...
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Andrea Sotelo (b. 1992 in Mexico City) studied Graphic Design and animation. She later lived in Madrid (2017-2019), where she completed a postgraduate degree in artistic contemporary practice and experimental film at Master Lav. She is currently working on multidisciplinary projects in painting, ceramics, sculpture, and experimental animation. 

Sotelo has recently obtained the FONCA (2023-2024) Young Creators Grant in Mexico. Recently, she exhibited her work in two solo shows in Mexico City and has been included in group shows at KÖNIG MEXICO CITY and the Museum of Art from Zapopan (MAZ), Guadalajara.
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